Time With My Parent
Time With My Parent
Your daily opportunity to review the lessons your child has completed.

Time with my Parent provides a daily opportunity for you to review the lessons your child has completed in a one-on-one setting.
When your child works hard to master a concept and you acknowledge and praise that accomplishment, something extraordinary happens! This is what we call a positive affective experience, and it can mean the difference between a confident child that loves to learn and one that feels frustrated and unmotivated.
Not only are you able to identify and provide one-on-one instruction in areas where your child needs help, but Time with my Parent also provides a great opportunity for parents to encourage their children and praise them for their hard work and accomplishments.

Here’s how it works:
After your child has completed labs for the day, you’ll see an indication in your parent dashboard that Time with my Parent is available. When selected, the program will load practice exercises so that you can review the material that your child has covered that day.
Color-coded concepts make it easy to identify areas where your child needs help by displaying the percentage of mastery for each concept.
Time with my Parent sessions usually take less than 10 minutes a day, but during those sessions you’ll gain valuable insight into your child’s strengths and challenges. You can use this insight as a guide when adjusting curriculum and learning schedules, to make sure your child reaps maximum benefit from the program.
Your daily opportunity to review the lessons your child has completed.

When your child works hard to master a concept and you acknowledge and praise that accomplishment, something extraordinary happens! This is what we call a positive affective experience, and it can mean the difference between a confident child that loves to learn and one that feels frustrated and unmotivated.
Not only are you able to identify and provide one-on-one instruction in areas where your child needs help, but Time with my Parent also provides a great opportunity for parents to encourage their children and praise them for their hard work and accomplishments.
Here’s how it works:
After your child has completed labs for the day, you’ll see an indication in your parent dashboard that Time with my Parent is available. When selected, the program will load practice exercises so that you can review the material that your child has covered that day.
Color-coded concepts make it easy to identify areas where your child needs help by displaying the percentage of mastery for each concept.
Time with my Parent sessions usually take less than 10 minutes a day, but during those sessions you’ll gain valuable insight into your child’s strengths and challenges. You can use this insight as a guide when adjusting curriculum and learning schedules, to make sure your child reaps maximum benefit from the program.