Academic Summer Program

Our online educational program is an affordable solution for parents of public or private school children who are in need of continued summer education. We believe our program can serve this need without the large expense of many other existing summer school options.


In our program, downloadable workbooks are incorporated with video instruction and interactive lessons, making it possible for children to work independently and grow in self-confidence.

Our curriculum consists of five separate components: Foundational Skills, Math, Reading & Vocabulary, Language Arts, and Writing. The price of your summer school package will be determined based on which subjects you select during our free assessment process.

Free Student Assessment

After enrollment you will be guided through our simple assessment process which will help you to place your children in our online curriculum. Assessment is free of charge, you will not be asked for payment until it has been completed and a price can be calculated based on the curriculum assigned.

Math assessment will target only those areas where mastery has not been achieved. A completely individualized curriculum and custom workbook is created to fit your child’s unique point of need.

Reading and Vocabulary/Spelling assessment determines your child’s starting point in the reading series and vocabulary/spelling continuum, providing a pathway to accelerate growth in vocabulary and reading level.

Student Summary Reports

Reinforcement and weekly awards are embedded throughout the program and parents can access comprehensive real-time records of their child’s progress at any time.

Enroll now to begin your free assessment!

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